
Tantric Meditation II - Working with Prana
Mondays 6:00-8:10 pm, starting 3/30, 2020
Inbody Academy

Tantric Meditation II - Working with Prana continues the exploration of meditation begun in the Level I course. While Level I lays out a clear foundation and krama (sequence) for practice, Level II dives deeper into specific approaches for working with prana to help refine our understanding and deepen our experience of meditation. In this course we examine the stages of practice in terms of moving through the koshas (layers) - from physical to ethereal, gross to subtle. Goals include solidifying teaching skills around foundational practices, while at the same time offering further developmental practices for your own personal expansion. Students will continue to collect a range of techniques and practices to add to their toolbox as both meditators and teachers of meditation.

The course will meet over 9 Monday evening sessions in the Spring, plus one check-in date during the summer, and one final session at the end of summer. The summer break allows time for students to develop and teach required classes, as well as to integrate the teachings into their own personal practice, including a dedicated 40-day practice. The final session in the Fall will be built around a fire ceremony to culminate and celebrate the work each student has done. Each session includes lecture/discussion, and an asana practice followed by pranayama and meditation to embody the day’s subject matter.  Course includes recordings of all meditations. Classes will meet from 6:00-8:10pm.

Topics we will cover include:

  • Dharana - How the mind learns to become one-pointed

  • Breath - Varying effects at different focal points

  • Prana Dharana - Doorway to accessing Prana

  • Pranayama - Simple practices with profound effects to shape the mind

  • Prana Vayu Meditations - Meditations to affect body and mind

  • Koshas - Meditations to support physical healing, change your energy, balance the lower mind, access the higher mind

  • Agni (Fire) Practice - Building the fire of transformation

  • Bandha/Mudra - Techniques to support a deeper experience

  • Mantra - It’s full power and scope

  • Master Kriya - An accelerated form of practice

  • Puruscharana - Dedicated practice for intensified effect

  • Fire Ceremony - Offering our inner darkness into the fire of transformation


  • Students will be required to develop and teach 5 practices, 4 of them outside of the course hours. Non-teachers wanting to focus purely on self-progression are invited to approach this assignment through self-guided practice and journalling rather than teaching. I will be available to support the development of these class plans. This requirement would be completed by the time of the course’s follow-up session in the early fall.

  • Students will assess and refine their personal practice, and complete a dedicated 40-day personal practice of their choosing. I will be available to mentor students in this process.

  • Learn both the Gayatri and the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

  • Students would maintain a journal and turn in highlights reflecting their personal practice/assessments of their teaching.

  • Attendance and completion of all assignments is required for those wanting to apply this course to certification with me.

Dates for the level II course are as follows:

  • 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 7/27

  • Mondays, 6:00-8:10 pm

  • In addition there will be one final follow-up weekend session late Summer/early Fall, date TBD by the group


This is not a beginning class. Recommended minimum pre-requisite is Tantric Meditation I-Foundations or substantial experience as a meditator.

FEE: $390
EARLY BIRD EXTENDED TO 4/6/2020: $350 (Use PROMO CODE: TM2 at checkout)
