Harnessing the Magic of
Moon, Sun and Fire

June 21-29, 2025
Saturdays & Sundays 8:00-5:30
Wednesday 9:00-1:00
Thursday (Livestream/Recorded Only) 5:30-9:00

Mountain Time
All Sessions will be Recorded
Live Sessions held at Lila Studio in SLC Utah

TANTRA explores in depth three approaches to practice - moon, sun, and fire – and how this knowledge can help us to identify where students are starting from and how to move them forward to a better place. We also examine the very nature and history of Tantric practice, and the role of Feminine Divinity to support our own spiritual evolution and transformation.

Topics include:

  • Definition of Tantra

  • Sushumna Nadi

  • Awakening Kundalini

  • Chakras in depth

  • Krama of the spiritual path: moon, sun, fire

  • Moon Practice – Become established in calm stability

  • Sun Practice - Building internal power and a connection to Source as inner light or presence

  • Fire Practice - The science of transformation, how to use all aspects of practice to change how we experience and interact with the world.

  • Maha Vidyas - Power of the Feminine Divine

  • Contemplation - Enriching your meditation

  • Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Recommended Reading / Required for Certification: Tantra Unveiled, by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
For Certification, you must submit a brief reflection on the assigned reading and pass a Course Quiz within 6 weeks of the end of the course.

Counts fully towards 300 hour certification with Mary Johnston-Coursey
CEs for RYTs: 41
Price: $695
30% Discount for students repeating this course (use code REPEAT at checkout)
