Monday 10:00 - 11:45 am
This class is slower paced, leaning towards therapeutics
Inbody Academy at 1597 South, 1100 East, SLC
You’ll need to register as a student at Inbody but you can pay me directly.
Props available
$10 / class

Monday 6:00-7:15pm
The ParaYoga practices I teach as part of teacher training courses are open to the public. Check the Inbody schedule before you come, as I do not teach every week.
Inbody Academy at 1597 South, 1100 East, SLC
You’ll need to register as a student at Inbody but you can pay me directly.
Props available
$10 / class

Wednesday 9:00 - 10:45 am
Para Yoga® - Slow Tantric Vinyasa
levels II / III
Avenues Yoga in Sugarhouse - 967 East, 2100 South, SLC
This is the strongest physical practice I teach all week, with an emphasis on alignment, breath, and energetics.  Includes Pranayama, Kriya, and Tantric Meditation.  We will also incorporate bandhas and mudras into the asana.
$20 drop-in, various prices for passes. Senior/student/teacher discounts available.
Bring your own or borrow a mat; other props provided.

Learn more about Para Yoga® here.

Friday 10:15 – 11:45
Para Yoga® - Slow Tantric Vinyasa
All levels
Avenues Yoga in Sugarhouse - 967 East 2100 South, SLC
Slow dynamic asana combined with held poses are all linked to the breath in a way that supports a theme, or bhav.  This theme culminates in a sitting practice after savasana that incorporates Pranayama, Kriya and Tantric Meditation, with a focus on cultivating stability while expanding awareness. 
$20 drop-in, various prices for passes. Senior/student/teacher discounts available.
Bring your own or borrow a mat; other props provided.