Linking Outer and Inner Worlds
FRIDAYS: 5/5, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/1, 10/6, 11/10, 12/8, plus 1/12, 2/9, 2024
9:00-12:00 am Mountain Time
Livestream / Recorded
Yoga Alliance CE: 30 hours
Mentor Sangha is an opportunity for continued growth and self-inquiry in the context of a safe, like-minded and supportive community - Sangha!
Once a month for ten months - a 3 hour workshop, including lecture, asana/meditation practice, journaling, and discussion
Emphasis on continued self-inquiry as we pursue our dharma
Optional homework includes reading, journaling, and practice assignments
Small group meetings with your peers between workshops to share and debrief
Sessions are recorded to accommodate scheduling conflicts
Meditations are recorded separately and made available
2023 FOCUS:
WISDOM GODDESSES - Linking Outer and Inner worlds
This year we continue to strengthen our personal relationship with our own inner guide by exploring the 10 Wisdom Goddesses that propel us forward on our spiritual journey. The Wisdom Goddesses (Maha Vidyas) are the various faces of those Inner Guides. Each Goddess cannot be understood simply by Her external image, but in fact Her true form is knowledge (Vidya). Specifically, She embodies a knowledge that has been kept hidden or secret - one that we must work to uncover. Through our dedicated practice, understanding gradually dawns, and like discovering buried treasure, we gain knowledge of what has so far been hidden from us. We gain the precise knowledge, in fact, that we are needing to move forward on our journey. This ever-expanding knowledge leads us on a path of growing power and delight. The Wisdom Goddesses are the Living Teachings in action!
The Maha Vidyas can be clearly seen at play in the outer world, as well as within our own psyche. We will examine their relevance to our outer world, while engaging in practices to uncover the secrets that yet remain hidden - the illuminating knowledge we need to shine a light on the path so we don’t stumble in the dark.
The full transformative power of yoga can only be achieved by a mind that is steeped in the practice of self-reflection. As we face dramatic and constant change all around us, the practice of self-inquiry becomes a crucial support. This series celebrates self-reflection, weaving it into an all-levels practice that combines asana, pranayama, meditation, journaling, and discussion for a more profound and lasting effect. Finally we remember our dharma, reflecting on how these teachings can help us to fully claim our own potential, all within the loving embrace of sangha - community!
This is a stand-alone course, and yet it is also serves as an ongoing follow-up to the Song of the Soul and the Four Desires courses.
Maha Vidyas - Wisdom Goddesses
The role of mantra in connecting to inner guidance
Understanding chaos and conflict
Calling in protection and healing
Saundarya Lahari - waves of beauty and bliss
The Void - dissolution of the self
Deep acceptance - the ground of transformation
Play and creativity as expressions of the Goddess
Cave of the heart - where no sorrow can enter
Rudrani - cultivating wisdom and claiming your power
Clear seeing - opening the ajna chakra
Non-dual perception - union with the Infinite
Self-effort and surrender / abhyasa and vairaghya
Working with moon / sun / fire
yoga nidra
CE for Yoga Alliance: 30 hours
Full Course: $450
Early Bird: $410 extended to 5/4/2023 (Enter SANGHA! at checkout)
Single Session: $45
To register: