(NOTE - Schedule is subject to change. Most sessions will be held at Lila studio in person, with the option to Livestream. All sessions will be recorded except for Therapeutics 1, allowing the option to catch up for missed sessions by recording. Select sessions will be offered via Zoom.)
PRACTICUM: August 9, 10 + Individualized Schedule - summer into fall
SONG OF THE SOUL: August 26, 28, 30, 31 / Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-9:00, Saturday & Sunday 8:00-5:30 Live, + 3 hour follow-up session after 8-12 weeks, schedule TBD. NOTE: weekend sessions must be attended live or livestreamed
YOGA NIDRA: September 20-21, October 11-12, November 1-2 / Saturday 8:00-5:30 & Sunday 1:30-5:30